We at KUNST.IST! try to keep pack­aging and pack­aging waste as low as pos­sible.

In most cases, our cli­ents want to see a work of art in the ori­gin­al. Even with art books, many would like to take a first look at a book be­fore they buy it.

For this reas­on, most of the art­works and art books are pur­chased loc­ally and taken dir­ectly by the cus­tom­ers. Our products are not packed as much as pos­sible.
In cases where a book or work of art is to be shipped to cus­tom­ers, we try to provide ex­ist­ing pack­aging, e.g. when send­ing prin­ted pho­to­graphs were already used when ship­ping to us, con­tin­ue to use. So we try to save ad­di­tion­al pack­aging ma­ter­i­al.
In cases where we first pack­age and ship a book or art­work, we use re­cyc­lable ship­ping ma­ter­i­als (e.g., card­board, foil). We re­duce the ma­ter­i­al used to a min­im­um.

In ac­cord­ance with the Pack­aging Act (Ver­packG) in force since 01.01.2019, we are con­sidered to be the man­u­fac­turer / first-in-ser­vice pro­vider of pack­aging that is dis­posed of by end con­sumers. We are there­fore ob­liged to re­gister with the ZSVR (Stif­tung Zen­t­rale Stelle Ver­pack­ung­sRe­gister) as a man­u­fac­turer. In ad­di­tion, we are ob­liged to par­ti­cip­ate in one of the dual sys­tems in Ger­many. Under the com­pany-name "KUNST.IST!" we re­gistered the brand "KUNST.IST!" and "erot­icARTist".
We have done both in our own in­terest and in the in­terests of en­vir­on­ment­al pro­tec­tion. With these meas­ures, we stand by our re­spons­ib­il­ity of re­du­cing and avoid­ing waste.

The Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the Dual Sys­tem Ger­many and the re­gis­tra­tion in ac­cord­ance with the Pack­aging Act can be re­ques­ted in the pack­aging re­gister LUCID of the Stif­tung Zen­t­rale Stelle Ver­pack­ung­s­reg­ister.

Your team of

Kunst ist