FORMS_DETAILS_LITTLE-THINGS - Pho­to­graphs by Peter Paul Lorenz

Ex­hib­i­tion in the con­text of the Ta­pet­en­werkfest­iv­al with au­tumn round tour

The pho­to­graphs, en­titled "FORMEN_DETAILS_KLEINIGKEITEN", show mo­tifs from the Theat­er Biele­feld, which focus par­tic­u­larly on the straight lines and few col­ors. The pic­tures shown do not only con­vey, but cre­ate spaces - with a clear view for light, de­tails and irony.

Peter Paul Lorenz worked as light­ing mas­ter/light­ing de­sign­er at vari­ous theat­ers, in­clud­ing Stut­tgart, Ber­lin and Biele­feld. Since August 2016 he has been a mem­ber of the Staatsschaus­piel Dres­den. Since the 1980s, he has also pho­to­graphed ar­chi­tec­ture and de­tails

Loca­tion: Ta­pet­en­werk, Haus A, Level 1, Lützn­er Str. 91, 04177 Leipzig
Vern­is­sage: Fri­day, 15.09.2017 | 5:00 pm
Open­ing hours: 18.09.2017-30.04.2018 | Mon-Fri | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm