Goldblumen GEA
Goldblumen GEA von Gabriele Messerschmidt

Love­lust and love­suf­fer­ing - Skulp­tures of Gab­ri­ele Mess­er­schmidt

Love­lust and love­suf­fer­ing
Music - Text - Art

This title is the joint ex­hib­i­tion of the Artists' Union Schwabach e.V. to the sum­mer sea­son. Nine artists show their in­spir­a­tion with singing and lute. Renais­sancesong­texts be­come im­ages. Gab­ri­ele Mess­er­schmidt shows a se­lec­tion of her new sculp­tures.

Loca­tion: Städtische Galer­ie Schwabach, König­s­platz 29, 91126 Schwabach
Vern­is­sage: 30.06.2017 | 7 pm
Open­ing hours: Thu-Fri: 11am - 6pm | Sat: 10am - 1pm | Sun/spe­cialdays: 1 pm - 4 pm